Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick and the Texas Senate Achieved Your Priorities


Dear Friends,

As this 84th legislative session has come to an end, I want to personally thank you for allowing me to serve as Lieutenant Governor of Texas. Time and time again I’ve said this is the greatest job I’ve ever had and I sincerely enjoy every day serving as your servant leader. I have you, my constituents, and the will of God to thank for supporting me in this position.

I’m honored to govern as President of the Senate and play a role in passing historic legislation in what I sincerely believe was one of Texas’ greatest legislative sessions. The senators and I worked hard all session to ensure your priorities were addressed throughout the legislative process. I’m proud to say all of your shared priorities were passed out of the Senate.

Major reform took place this session, including unprecedented levels of funding to secure our border, significant property tax and business tax cuts, greater school choice options, expansion of second amendment freedoms, further defense of traditional marriage, protecting the 1st Amendment rights of Texas pastors, and more. We have delivered on our many promises to Texans and will continue to do so.

Every day will continue to be “a new day in the great state of Texas.”

Thank you again for the opportunity to serve as your Lieutenant Governor and I look forward to the many sessions ahead.

God Bless You and the Great state of Texas,


Dan Patrick

Lieutenant Governor of Texas


(Please click on each item for more information)

2nd Amendment Rights

Border Security

Defending Life & Traditional Marriage





You can download the complete document here.