
Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick Statement on Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS)-Care Letter to Support Board Action

AUSTIN – Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and Sen. Joan Huffman, R-Houston, sent a letter to TRS Board Chairman Jarvis Hollingsworth urging the TRS Board to lower insurance premiums for Medicare-eligible participants in TRS-Care Medicare Advantage and implement a one-time re-enrollment opportunity due to those premium decreases for retired educators who may have left the program…. Read more »

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick Releases 2024 Interim Charges to the Texas Senate

AUSTIN – Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has issued 57 charges for Senate committees to study in preparation for the 89th Legislature. Lt. Gov. Patrick made the following statement upon issuing the charges: “The 57 interim charges I released today reflect issues that Texans have asked us to study. Our 31 senators submitted hundreds of ideas,… Read more »

Lt. Governor Dan Patrick: Statement on the Senate’s Passage of Senate Bill 5 – Expansion of School Safety Funding

AUSTIN – Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick issued this statement today following the Senate’s unanimous passage of Senate Bill 5, by Sen. Joan Huffman, R-Houston: “Ensuring the safety and security of every Texan, especially our children, is paramount to our work in the Texas Senate. Today, the Senate took swift action to continue supporting school security… Read more »

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick: Statement on the House’s Passage of Senate Bill 4 — State Authority to Enforce the Border

AUSTIN – Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick issued this statement today following the Texas House of Representatives’ passage of Senate Bill 4, by Sen. Charles Perry, R-Lubbock: “Addressing the crisis on our southern border, perpetuated by the Biden Administration, is a top priority of mine. The Texas Senate has taken swift action this year to pass… Read more »

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick: Statement on the Passage of Senate Bill 1 – Empowering Parental Rights – Universal Education Savings Accounts (ESA) for Texas Students

AUSTIN – Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick issued this statement today following the Texas Senate’s passage of Senate Bill 1, Empowering Parental Rights – Universal Education Savings Accounts (ESA) for Texas Students by Sen. Brandon Creighton, R-Conroe: “Texans across the political spectrum agree that families must have choice in education to ensure their student has the… Read more »