AUSTIN – Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick issued the following statement today upon announcing his Texas Senate committee appointments for the 89th Legislature:
“Texas has the population and economic strength of a separate nation. With the 8th largest economy in the world, we would be the 39th largest nation in geographic size, and the 50th largest in population if we were a country.
“When it comes to legislative bodies, the Texas Senate is clearly the best in the world. What the Texas Senate does matters. We impact public policy across the country and around the world. As Texas goes, so goes the nation. As the nation goes, so goes the world.
“I’m proud to serve as President of the Texas Senate and work with such talented and hard-working leaders, each in their own right. Throughout the interim, your senators have worked tirelessly to study the issues and prepare for this legislative session. With these committee appointments, the Texas Senate is hitting the ground running, ready to do the work the voters sent us to do.”
To view Lt. Gov. Patrick’s committee appointments, please click here.