Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick: Statement on the Passage of Senate Bill 13 – Protecting Children from Obscene Books in School Libraries


AUSTIN – Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick issued this statement today following the Texas Senate’s passage of Senate Bill 13, Protecting Children from Obscene Books in School Libraries, by Sen. Angela Paxton, R-McKinney:

“Texas parents have an expectation that when their child goes to their school library, they are doing so for educational purposes. Some of the books that have infiltrated our school libraries are obscene and have no place in an educational environment. These obscene books, which contain graphic sexual content, must not be tolerated. Students should be absorbing content that is grade, age, and developmentally appropriate.”

SB 13, by Sen. Paxton, states that books in school libraries must not be harmful, indecent or profane. SB 13 builds off the idea of School Health Advisory Councils (SHAC) to allow local communities to make decisions that are reflective of their values and ensure parental involvement in school library content. In addition, SB 13 requires parental notice whenever their child checks out a school library book.