Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick: Statement on the Unanimous Passage of Senate Bill 10 – Supplemental Funding for Retired Educators


AUSTIN – Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick issued this statement today following the Texas Senate’s unanimous passage of Senate Bill 10, Supplemental Funding for Retired Educators, by Sen. Joan Huffman, R-Houston. All 31 Senators are joint authors of SB 10:

“Other than a parent, no person is more important to the development of a child than an educator. As I traveled the state last year, I spoke with retired educators about the financial hardships they were facing, and I promised them that the Senate was committed to helping them out. I am very pleased that we delivered on that promise.

“Today, I could not be more proud that the entire Texas Senate has delivered a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for all eligible retired educators and a supplemental check of $7,500 for the approximately 186,000 retired educators aged 75 and older. Educators who retired before January 1, 2022, and less than 10 years ago will receive a 2% COLA. Educators who retired 10 years ago or more will receive a 4% COLA. SB 10 will not require any additional contributions from current educators or school districts. The state will fund the whole program using money from our budget surplus.

“Texas retired educators have given so much for our students and for the future of Texas. It is only right that the state help give back to them. I thank Chair of the Senate Committee on Finance, Sen. Joan Huffman, and the other 30 Senators for their hard work and commitment in behalf of our retired educators.”