AUSTIN – Today, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick announced the appointment of Sen. Lois Kolkhorst, of Brenham, Sen. Beverly Powell, of Burleson, and Sen. Charles Schwertner, of Georgetown, to the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Community-Based Care Transition. Sen. Kolkhorst will serve as the joint-chair of the committee. Upon making the appointments, Lt. Gov. Patrick issued the following statement:
“Community-based care is a major value-add for our foster care system and Sens. Kolkhorst, Powell and Schwertner will provide necessary oversight on behalf of the Texas Senate.”
Lois Kolkhorst, of Brenham, is the State Senator for District 18. She serves as the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services. She previously served 7 terms in the Texas House of Representatives.
Beverly Powell, of Burleson, is the State Senator for District 10. Powell was named one of the “Great Women of Texas” by the Fort Worth Business Press in 2014.
Charles Schwertner, of Georgetown, is the State Senator for District 5. He serves as the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Business & Commerce, and Chairman of the Sunset Advisory Commission. Schwertner is a practicing orthopedic surgeon, treating thousands of patients each year.
The Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Community-Based Care Transition was created by Senate Bill 1896 during the 87th Legislature to monitor and report to the legislature on the implementation of community-based care.