Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick: Announcement of HB 1927 Agreement


“A historic victory for the Second Amendment”

AUSTIN – Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick issued this statement today announcing that a full agreement has been reached on House Bill 1927:

“I congratulate Rep. Matt Schaefer, R-Tyler, and Sen. Charles Schwertner, R-Georgetown, for reaching a full agreement on Constitutional Carry – HB 1927. This legislation restores our Second Amendment rights and upholds every Texan’s right to self-defense. HB 1927 is a historic bill and a national model. It includes the thinking of national gun rights advocates and many in Texas law enforcement and affirms our commitment to protect the rights of gun owners and the safety of those in law enforcement.

“As a longtime Second Amendment advocate and NRA member with a strong NRA voting record, I am especially proud of HB 1927. I have worked hard alongside Sen. Schwertner to deliver the votes needed on HB 1927. The bill will become eligible for a final vote early next week, and on that day we will celebrate this great Second Amendment victory.

“Those who said HB 1927 would never pass and who perpetuated stories of a ‘poison pill’ and other conspiracies willfully misled many Second Amendment supporters in Texas. They also underestimated how hard members of the House and Senate were working to pass this bill.

“Once again, I want to thank Rep. Schaefer for his leadership and vision on HB 1927 and Sen. Schwertner for his diligence and commitment to making this legislation a reality. I look forward to celebrating with them when this bill is finally passed next week. “