Lt. Governor Dan Patrick: Statement on Senate Bill 2 and House Bill 2


“The Governor, the Speaker and I are united to address the number one priority of Texans across the state — reducing the escalating growth of property taxes.”


AUSTIN – Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick joined Gov. Greg Abbott and Texas House Speaker Dennis Bonnen today to announce the filing of two identical property tax reform bills in the Texas Senate and the Texas House.

“This is a historic day. Legislation has been filed in both the Texas Senate and the Texas House that will finally address the rate of growth of local property taxes. This legislation is a demonstration of what we can accomplish in Texas when leadership is united to address the number one priority of Texans across the state — reducing the growth of property taxes. This legislation will address property tax growth for homeowners, which is 8 to 9 percent a year in some cities and counties. It will also reduce the burden on Texas businesses, too many of whom have been driven out of business by high property tax rates.

“SB 2, authored by Sen. Paul Bettencourt, R-Houston, and HB 2, authored by Rep. Dustin Burrows, R-Lubbock, will increase transparency and ensure that taxing entities with revenue over $15 million cannot increase last year’s local revenue by more than 2.5% plus growth without a vote of the people.”



Lt. Gov. Patrick, Gov. Abbott and House Speaker Bonnen at the press conference


Texans are burdened with some of the highest property taxes in the nation. Lt. Gov. Patrick began fighting for property tax reform before he was elected to public office and it has been a priority for him during his time in the Texas Senate and as lieutenant governor.