December 14 was Deadline for Appointments to Commission Established in August
AUSTIN – Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick called on Texas House Speaker Joe Straus today to announce his appointees to the Texas Commission on Public School Finance that was established with the passage of House Bill 21 in the Special Legislative Session this past summer.
“Speaker Straus has so far failed to make any appointments to the School Finance Commission. The deadline for making these appointments was December 14. If the speaker is truly serious about working on this issue, he will announce his appointments soon.
“Establishing the School Finance Commission was landmark legislation in the Special Session. This will be the first school reform commission since the Perot Commission in 1984. I have appointed Senate Education Chairman Larry Taylor, R-Friendswood, and Senators Paul Bettencourt, R-Houston and Royce West, D-Dallas. I have also appointed Pflugerville Superintendent Doug Killian to lend his expertise. All my appointees have assured me that they are anxious to proceed.”
The lieutenant governor added that Gov. Greg Abbott has also made his appointments to the School Finance Commission including naming Scott Brister as chair. The commission currently has enough members for a quorum and Patrick said he will ask the governor to convene the commission without House appointees if Straus fails to name members.