AUSTIN – Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick issued the following statement today in response to the press release issued this morning by the Board of Governors of the NCAA:
“We have always said that the Texas Privacy Act was not in conflict with the anti-discrimination goals of the NCAA and the statement they released this morning makes that abundantly clear. The NCAA statement details the principles embodied in the Texas Privacy Act which are mirrored in North Carolina’s new law.
“Senator Lois Kolkhorst, R-Brenham, and I had a personal conversation several weeks ago with NCAA President Mark Emmert to underscore this point, noting that the legislation passed in Texas was different from North Carolina’s original legislation. The Texas Privacy Act is common-sense legislation that provides safety and privacy to women and girls and is supported by a broad majority of Texans from both political parties and every racial and ethnic group.”
To read the NCAA statement click here.