AUSTIN – Lt. Governor Patrick issued this statement today following the passage of Senate Bill 6, the Texas Privacy Act, by Senator Lois Kolkhorst (R – Brenham):
“The people of Texas elected us to stand by our principles and uphold conservative values. The Texas Privacy Act reflects common decency and common sense and is essential to protect public safety. It protects Texas businesses and codifies what has always been common practice in Texas and everywhere else — that men, women, boys and girls should use separate, designated restrooms, locker rooms and showers in government buildings and public schools.
“Though the debate on this legislation has been long and heated, it is important to remember that it is supported by an overwhelming majority of Texans including both Democrats and Republicans, Hispanics, African-Americans and Anglos, men and women.
“I congratulate Sen. Kolkhorst on the passage of SB 6 and thank her for both her leadership on this issue and her commitment to protecting the safety and privacy of Texans.