Lt. Governor Patrick Statement on DFPS Funding Request


“I support Senator Nelson’s Demand for Immediate Answers”


AUSTIN – Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick issued this statement today following the Senate Finance Committee hearing on the latest funding request from the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS):

“I commend Senate Finance Chair Jane Nelson and members of the Senate Finance Committee for their swift response to Texas children who are at high risk of neglect or abuse.

“Chairman Nelson and the Committee asked very tough questions in an effort to determine why the Department of Family and Protective Services is unable to move through their backlog and protect these at-risk children despite a 85% increase in funding since 2006-2007 to the current total of $2.85 billion.

“I share Senator Nelson’s frustration with the fact that DFPS has not seen hundreds of these at-risk children over the past few months and I support her demand that DFPS provide us with immediate answers regarding these children.

“These children are our first priority and I am confident that the Senate will take the steps necessary to address this critical issue in the upcoming session.”