This week was a busy week beginning with National School Choice Week. It’s a topic I am passionate about and a top legislative priority. Senate chairs have also started the year strong by holding interim committee hearings around the state. These hearings included the Senate State Affairs Committee in Austin and the Senate Select Committee on Property Tax Reform and Relief in San Antonio. The Senate has made great strides but there is still much to be done.
School Choice Week
As many of you already know, school choice has been one of my top priorities since I joined the Texas Senate in 2007. I’m very proud of the fact that this past legislative session, the Senate passed the first funded school choice bill (Senate Bill 4). While it did not become law, I am undeterred from my goal of bringing more flexibility to students and parents.
I have charged the Senate Education Committee, during the interim, with examining parental choice programs across the country to see how Texas can provide the best educational options for parents. School choice is right for Texas and it will empower students for a better future.
Watch my video message on School Choice here:
School Choice Week rally at the Capitol.
Property Tax Reform and Relief
Our property tax process needs major reform and property owners deserve relief. Bringing lasting property tax relief to homeowners and businesses has been one of my top priorities well before I was elected as your lieutenant governor. With voters overwhelmingly voting for Proposition 1, which raises the homestead exemption from $15,000 to $25,000, it’s clear that Texans want serious property tax reform. This is why I created the Senate Select Committee on Property Tax Reform and Relief.
This week Paul Bettencourt, Chair of the Senate Select Committee on Property Tax Reform and Relief held the first interim hearing in San Antonio, Texas. The committee listened to public testimony on how the property tax system affects homeowners and businesses. Keep an eye out for more meetings near you, later this year so you can have an opportunity to share your story about why you deserve and demand property tax relief. We’re also proud of the fact that this was the first time in Texas history a field hearing was broadcast using video webcast live-stream via the Internet. We hope to do more videos live in the future.
Senate Select Committee on Property Tax Reform & Relief hearing in San Antonio, TX.
Campus Carry
Monday, the Senate State Affairs Committee held an interim public hearing in the state capitol. Under my leadership the Senate has proudly defended our Second Amendment Right. During the 84th legislative session, the Senate passed a campus carry bill for the first time in Texas history. It was also a bi-partisan effort. During this interim, I’ve charged the State Affairs Committee with monitoring the implementation of open and campus carry legislation to make sure current laws are easily understood by the public.
Directly From the Source
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God Bless Texas,
“Whomever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant.”
Matthew 20:26 (NLT)