Lt. Governor Patrick on Attorney General’s Veto Opinion


AUSTIN – Five months ago I expressed my disappointment in the actions of the Legislative Budget Board (LBB) staff when they challenged the budget vetoes by Governor Abbott. At the time the LBB Executive Director, Ursula Parks, sent a letter to the Comptroller expressing her view that the Governor did not act appropriately.

I disagreed with her and the action taken by the LBB staff at that time. I’m glad to see that the Texas Attorney General has also disagreed in his recent legal opinion favorable to the Governor’s and my position.

Governor Abbott’s announced goal was to save taxpayers money. I agreed with him and made it very clear to the Director that as a Co-Chair of the LBB I would not join her in a letter challenging the Governor’s vetoes.

I have initiated a conversation with Speaker Joe Straus about jointly reviewing the operations of the LBB and other legislative agencies. This review would determine how these agencies are currently run and how they can be improved moving forward. I hope to begin this process soon.