Lt. Governor Patrick on Property Tax Reform and Relief Hearing


AUSTIN – “I want to thank Sen. Paul Bettencourt for serving as Chair of the Property Tax Reform and Relief Select Committee. He conducted his first hearing today.

“The Senate did not waste any time during the last legislative session and we are not slowing down now,” said Patrick. “This Select Committee is tasked to find solutions that will ensure every Texan receives lasting property tax relief.”

“Today is the next step in the process to deliver meaningful property tax relief and appraisal reform for all Texans,” said Bettencourt. “The recent victory of Prop 1 with 86% of the vote is indicative of Texans’ frustration with this out of control system. We will be tacking the complex appraisal, rate-setting and appeal process that is currently byzantine at worst and certainly confusing. As we hold hearings around the state, I look forward to robust and interactive discussions.“

“With the voter-approved increase of the homestead exemption from $15,000 to $25,000 we must take the next step to reform the tax process for every Texan,” concluded Patrick.