Lt. Governor Patrick Announces Latest Installment of Interim Charges


AUSTIN – Today, Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick announced interim charges for the Finance and Business and Commerce Committees.

All the interim charges reflect the concerns and priorities of Texans across the state and include input from every senator.

“Reducing the tax burden for property owners and businesses continues to be a top priority for Texans, Patrick said. “I am asking the Finance Committee to continue to study the tax process. Specifically, a select subcommittee on Property Tax Reform and Relief will look for ways to improve the process as well as reduce the burden on property owners and report their recommendations to the full Finance Committee. The Committee will move forward on the effort to eliminate the franchise tax so that businesses can continue to grow. My charge to strengthen the spending limit will also fall under the committee’s purview.

“I have asked the Business and Commerce Committee to review a wide range of programs, processes and regulations that affect our state, particularly lowering the burden of occupational licensing and reducing the number of frivolous lawsuits related to property damage claims that are currently driving up the cost of homeowners’ insurance.

“I look forward to the senators’ recommendations on these critical issues. These charges will assure that the Texas economy remains strong and continues to grow,” concluded Patrick.



 (PDF) 84th Senate Interim Charges, Part 5 (120KB, PDF)