Lt. Governor Dan Patrick on Passage of “Religious Freedom” Senate Bill


AUSTIN – Today, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick congratulated Senator Craig Estes and the Senate members for the passage of Senate Bill 2065 (SB 2065).

SB 2065 by Sen. Estes protects houses of worship, religious organizations and their employees and clergy or ministers, from being required to participate in a marriage or celebration of a marriage if it would violate a sincerely held religious belief. It also protects such clergy and organizations from civil or criminal cause of action. The bill further protects their First Amendment Right.

“I am very proud that Senator Craig Estes and Senate members passed SB 2065 today,” said Patrick. “SB 2065 protects our churches and pastors from participating in any part of a marriage that is against their beliefs.”

“I appreciate Lt. Governor Patrick for making this issue a priority. SB 2065 is moving quickly through the legislative process,” Senator Estes said. “It is my firm belief that this legislation is needed to protect religious freedom in this matter. I look forward to working throughout the remaining weeks of session to ensure that it is signed into law by Governor Abbott.”

“Religious leaders should never be compelled to provide any kind of service that separates them from the fundamental principles of their faith,” concluded Patrick. “This bill is about protecting religious freedom across the state.”