Education Reform Priorities Pass out of the Senate
This week the Texas Senate passed two of our education priorities that will bring accountability to our schools at the local level and better prepare our students for the workforce.
Senate Bill 6 (SB 6) by Senator Larry Taylor grades the performance of public school campuses by giving them a letter grade of A-F, just like students receive.
Today our schools are basically rated as either Acceptable or Unacceptable. That doesn’t tell parents very much. Is Acceptable an A or a C+? Is Unacceptable a C- or an F?
This added transparency will let parents know how well their child’s school is doing over-all and what areas the schools excel in or need improvement. Schools will become more competitive because no school will want to be graded a C or lower. Several other states have already passed similar legislation. I believe this bill will bring about dramatic improvement in many schools.
Lt. Gov. Patrick and Sen. Taylor on the Senate floor discussing legislation.
Last session as Chair of Education, I passed a bill that grades our school districts with a letter grade. As Lt. Governor I support and applaud the Senate’s hard work for a school system that will be more transparent, competitive and effective.
Senate Bill 13 (SB 13) by Senator Charles Perry expands on the accomplishments of our work in Senate education from last senate, as well as enabling high school students to earn more college credit through dual credit courses. It improves teacher certification to teach dual credit and encourages high schools to compete for funding for career and tech centers.
(Read my latest press release here.)
This bill reflects the fact that Texas students represent a broad spectrum of interests and abilities. Texas must do a better job meeting students where they are and preparing them for the college or career of their choice. If they are prepared for a better future, Texas will have a better future.
Priorities of The Senate
We are a little over the half-way mark this session and already the Texas Senate has passed more than half of our top priority Senate bills (1-20). We have already passed over $4.5 billion in tax relief, expanded our Second Amendment rights, added billions to build roads without raising taxes, and created the strongest border security package in Texas history, within our Senate budget.
There is still much work to be done. The successes we have seen so far in the Senate are a result of the hard work and leadership of your Senators. They are working hard for you every day. My job is to keep us focused on the priorities that the majority of Texans have asked us to address this session.
Easter Message
In observance of Good Friday and Passover weekend, the capitol offices will be closed on Friday, April 3, 2015. I hope everyone enjoys a long weekend with friends and family so that we can get back to working hard on your priorities next week. Happy Easter!
Don’t Forget To…
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God Bless Texas,

“Whomever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant.”
Matthew 20:26 (NLT)