Lt. Governor Patrick Makes a Statement on Misrepresentation by Obama Administration


“I applaud today’s quick legal action by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to ask a Federal Judge to grant Discovery to Investigate what appears to be untruths, or outright lies, by the Obama Administration.

“News that tens of thousands of expanded work permits have already been issued to illegal immigrants while President Obama’s executive action, which we believe is illegal, is being contested in the courts is both outrageous and unacceptable. This contradicts the administration’s statements already provided in federal court.

“Texas will not be an idle bystander while this President refuses to follow the rule of law. We remain vigilant and will continue to do so, both in the courts and as we maintain law enforcement on our border.

“I welcome all immigrants to Texas and to the United States of America, but we stand in unison with millions of hard working men and women who agree that entry to our borders must be done legally and in accordance with the law of the land, not political agendas or expediency.

“National security starts with border security and border security begins in Texas.”
