Texas Senate Update from Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick


Governor Abbott Outlines His Priorities

In the Texas Senate, I’m pleased to say, we’re already off to a quick, productive start. Governor Abbott gave his State of State address on Tuesday and outlined several emergency items for the legislature to prioritize. I am proud to say that the Senate is making significant progress on many of the priorities identified by the Governor including border security, providing tax relief, school choice and open carry.

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Among the priorities Governor Abbott listed:

  • National Guard and Border Security: the Governor ordered the National Guard to stay in place guarding our border until enough additional DPS Troopers can be hired, trained and deployed to replace them. Earlier in the week, I had called on the Guard to remain on the border and $12 million be allocated to fund their operations until the end of May. The Texas Senate’s proposed budget also allocates enough money for the National Guard/DPS operation to continue protecting Texas’ security and America’s national security for the next two years;
  • Property Tax and Business Tax Relief: The Senate budget (SB 2) dedicates a total of $4 billion to provide property and business tax relief. Legislation is currently being drafted that will allocate the $4 billion in significant and lasting tax relief for homeowners and businesses. The tax relief bill will receive the priority designation of SB 1;
  • Second Amendment Rights: The Senate has quickly addressed the issue of second amendment rights by passing Open Carry (SB11) and Campus Carry (CSSB11) out of committee ahead of any other major legislation. The expansion of second amendment rights will pass out of the Senate with strong support as soon as possible.


Standing Up to the Federal Government for Border Security

I was honored to join Governor Abbott, Senator Ted Cruz and Attorney General Ken Paxton in calling on President Barack Obama to honor the “rule of law” as it relates to stemming the tide of illegal immigration.


As I pointed out, “Had this amnesty been allowed to go into force by executive action, which we believe was illegal, I think we would have seen a new wave of thousands coming here hoping to achieve amnesty.” Earlier in the week U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen issued an injunction to immediately stop the implementation of the President’s illegal amnesty executive order.


Highlights from the Senate Floor

There were many highlights for me personally this week including welcoming the Texas Sheriff’s Association and Congressman Michael McCaul to the Texas Senate.



I was also inspired and privileged to shake hands with America’s oldest World War II veteran, 108-year old Richard Overton of Austin. “Mr. Overton, Texas owes you a debt of gratitude for your service.”
