Lieutenant Governor Patrick Announces Senate Committee Assignments


AUSTIN – Today, Dan Patrick ended his first week as Texas Lieutenant Governor by announcing the following Senate Committee assignments for the 84th Legislative Session.

“After much thought and careful consideration, today I am announcing the members selected to serve on the fourteen committees approved by the Texas Senate. These committees will work on the critical issues that affect all Texans,” said Patrick.

“This efficient structure of streamlined committees will allow for the passage of not only a variety of issues but of Texan’s top priorities, such as education reform, tax relief and border security.

“All members, including freshmen, have significant roles. These appointments also ensure that valuable institutional knowledge in the Senate has been carried over to each Senate committee.

“I am also proud to appoint Jane Nelson as the first woman in history to serve as Chair of the Committee on Finance during a regular legislative session,” said Patrick.

“I promised Texas voters that we would get the job done and now we have the team in place to get to work,” concluded Patrick.

Committee on Administration

Hancock Kelly Chair

Uresti Carlos Vice Chair

Campbell Donna

Eltife Kevin

Huffines Don

Schwertner Charles

West Royce

Committee on Agriculture, Water and Rural Affairs

Perry Charles Chair

Zaffirini Judith Vice Chair

Creighton Brandon

Hall Bob

Hinojosa Juan “Chuy”

Kolkhorst Lois

Rodriguez José

Committee on Business and Commerce

Eltife Kevin Chair

Creighton Brandon Vice Chair

Ellis Rodney

Huffines Don

Schwertner Charles

Seliger Kel

Taylor Larry

Watson Kirk

Whitmire John

Committee on Criminal Justice

Whitmire John Chair

Huffman Joan Vice Chair

Burton Konni

Creighton Brandon

Hinojosa Juan “Chuy”

Perry Charles

Van de Putte Leticia

Committee on Education

Taylor Larry Chair

Lucio Eddie, Jr. Vice Chair

Bettencourt Paul

Campbell Donna

Garcia Sylvia

Huffines Don

Kolkhorst Lois

Rodriguez José

Seliger Kel

Taylor Van

West Royce

Committee on Finance

Nelson Jane Chair

Hinojosa Juan “Chuy” Vice Chair

Bettencourt Paul

Eltife Kevin

Hancock Kelly

Huffman Joan

Kolkhorst Lois

Nichols Robert

Schwertner Charles

Seliger Kel

Taylor Larry

Uresti Carlos

Watson Kirk

West Royce

Whitmire John

Committee on Health and Human Services

Schwertner Charles Chair

Kolkhorst Lois Vice Chair

Campbell Donna

Estes Craig

Perry Charles

Rodriguez José

Taylor Van

Uresti Carlos

Zaffirini Judith

Committee on Higher Education

Seliger Kel Chair

West Royce Vice Chair

Bettencourt Paul

Burton Konni

Perry Charles

Van de Putte Leticia

Watson Kirk

Committee on Intergovernmental Relations

Lucio Eddie, Jr. Chair

Bettencourt Paul Vice Chair

Campbell Donna

Garcia Sylvia

Nichols Robert

Taylor Larry

Van de Putte Leticia

Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development

Fraser Troy Chair

Estes Craig Vice Chair

Birdwell Brian

Hall Bob

Hancock Kelly

Hinojosa Juan “Chuy”

Lucio Eddie, Jr.

Nichols Robert

Uresti Carlos

Seliger Kel

Zaffirini Judith

Committee on Nominations

Birdwell Brian Chair

Taylor Van Vice Chair

Burton Konni

Fraser Troy

Estes Craig

Rodriguez José

Watson Kirk

Committee on State Affairs

Huffman Joan Chair

Ellis Rodney Vice Chair

Birdwell Brian

Creighton Brandon

Estes Craig

Fraser Troy

Nelson Jane

Schwertner Charles

Zaffirini Judith

Committee on Transportation

Nichols Robert Chair

Huffines Don Vice Chair

Ellis Rodney

Fraser Troy

Garcia Sylvia

Hall Bob

Hancock Kelly

Kolkhorst Lois

Taylor Van

Committee on Veteran Affairs and Military Installations

Campbell Donna Chair

Burton Konni Vice Chair

Birdwell Brian

Garcia Sylvia

Hall Robert

Lucio Eddie, Jr.

Rodriguez José

Border Security Subcommittee

Birdwell Brian Chair

Hall Bob Vice Chair

Lucio Eddie, Jr.